Page 53 - TPIS2022
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                      Paper Title                            Authors

                                                Radioprotective agents: past, recent advances
                    Fatemeh Ebrahimi
                                                        and future perspectives
                     Saba Ebrahimi
                   Elika Abdolazimzade       Imaging applications of Tc-99m for labeling different
                    Zakiye Razavizade
                 Abdolvahid Sadeghnejad                 cells and their products
                  Ehsan Sharif-Paghaleh

                   Vahid Hossein-Zadeh      Application of magnetic nanoparticles in improving the
                Maryam Elikaei Moghadam                  quality of MRI images

                      Atena Galefi
                     Atefeh Alipour
                     Mehdi Jahanfar         Herbal-derived cellulosic scaffolds for the repair of bone
                                               defects in preclinical and future clinical studies
                     Naser Farrokhi
                   Hosein Shahsavarani
                    Sajedeh Ghasemi
                     Atefeh Alipour          Decellularized Coleus amboinicus and Echium vulgare
                      Saadi Hoseini
                    Javad Mohammadi         leaves: a potential natural nanostructure matrix for stem
                 Mohammadali Shokrgozar                  cell tissue engineering
                  Hosein Shahsavarani*
                  Seyedeh Sahar Farhadi
                     Reza Hamidian               γ-Radiation changed stem cell response and
                 Seyed Amir Hosein Feghhi        differentiation on cellulosic plant scaffolds
                   Hosein Shahsavarani
                   Samaneh Hassanpour         Exploring olfactory dysfunction as a biomarker in
                      Ali Vafadar           neurodegenerative disease with MEMRI by using animal
                      Ali Ghafari                             models
                    Ahmad Hasanzadeh        Potential of decellularized ponytail palm and Haworthia
                     Atefeh Alipour
                    Javad Mohammadi         fasciata decellularized leaves for stem cell differentiation
                   Hosein Shahsavaran                  revealed by image analysis

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