Page 10 - TPIS2022
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Executive Chair’s Message

           Holding the 5th Annual International TPCF Preclinical Imaging Symposium, and

           after five years of efforts by the executive team, we are witnessing the flourishing of
           preclinical imaging knowledge in the country. Compared to the early days when we

           were planning the first symposium, we now see a large number of leading researchers
           by our side who have developed this interdisciplinary field.

           We are happy that this way continues and now we are holding the largest preclinical

           imaging event in the country with different and more serious approaches with the
           presence of the most prominent domestic and foreign professors.

           We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the professors, researchers

           and well-minded students who have been with TPCF during the past 4 years and
           we hope that we can play our role with the goal of the country’s growth and the

           development of researchers’ knowledge.

           We wish more and more success to all the members of the implementation team
           who have helped us in holding this symposium.

                                                                     Dr. Hossein Ghadiri
                                                                      Executive Chair

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