Page 45 - TPIS2022
P. 45

Lecture title:

                   obstacles in intracellular delivery of imaging probes


                   Radionuclides are effective agents in clinical diagnostics and therapy.
                   Effective application of radionuclides in pre-clinical and clinical studies
                   depends on the choice of optimal delivery platform. The most employed
                   carrier systems include monoclonal antibodies and their fragments, organic

                   and inorganic nanoparticles, and microspheres. Antibody-based delivery
                   systems have distinct  advantage  of  specific  binding  to the antigens;
                   however, their use is restricted due to poor penetration into solid tumors;
                   which can be overcome by using antibody fragments. Nanoparticles
                   as radionuclide delivery platforms is rapidly developing field and advanced
                   hybrid radionuclide carriers with complex architecture further increases the
                   loading capacity, biomembrane crossing rate, and the tissue-penetration

                   efficiency of these molecules. However, clinical use of nanoparticles is
                   currently limited by their toxicity and unpredictability of patients’ responses.

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