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Dr. Ali Ghasem-Zadeh

                Specialty: Quantitative Bone Imaging
                Academic Title: PhD, Senior Research Fellow
                Affiliation: Departments of Endocrinology and
                Medicine, Austin Health, the University of Melbourne,

           Ali is senior research fellow of Departments of Endocrinology
           and Medicine of Austin Health, the University of Melbourne.

           During last 15 years, he has published (as 1st authors or co-author)
           more than 65 peer- reviewed papers in the journals like Lancet,
           Nature Review, JBMR, Bone, and 3 book chapters.
           He is recipient of Young Investigator awards from International
           Society of Clinical Densitometry (USA), Austin Medical Research
           Foundation (AMRF)-Research Higher Degree Award, Australia-
           Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme (DAAD-AU), and
           Australian Spinal Network, international travel grant.

                  Lecture title:

                  Bone, smart tissue! How to quantify it?

         42    5  International TPCF Preclinical Imaging Symposium (2022)
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