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Dr. S. Mohsen Asghari

               Affiliation: Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics
               (IBB), University of Tehran, IRAN
               Academic Title: Associated Professor
               Specialty: Biochemistry

           Dr Asghari performed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. research in Biochemistry under
           Tarbiat Modares University Professor Khosro Khajeh from 1999-2008.
           His research in M.Sc. and Ph.D. was focused on the structure-function
           relationships in proteins and rational protein engineering. He was joined
           the Department of Biology at University of Guilan in 2009. In recent years
           he is focused on the design and applications of tumor targeting peptides.
           Since 2020, Dr Asghari has joined the Institute of Biochemistry and
           Biophysics (IBB) at University of Tehran. He is currently director of
           the Innovative Center for Animal Studies in IBB and conducts research
           in the theranostic applications of tumor targeting peptides.

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