Image processing is the last step of imaging. The SANIVIS software is used for image analysis. SANIVIS software is designed to show simultaneous small animal images from different imaging systems such as, Micro-PET, Micro-SPECT, Micro-CT, Optical Imaging and Micro-Ultrasound.

SANIVIS System Specifications


•Saving information of each subject in the database

•Automatic saving of the last changes made in the database

•Immediate view of images and studying the necessary characteristics

•Controls and corrections of anatomical positions of the image

•Immediate control of the imaged sections by using 3D models

•The possibility of studying the scans created via PACS, flash memory, CD or DVD

•Sophisticated GPU-based 3D  volumetric module

•Capability of adding the image compatibility module

• The capability of adding an advanced segmentation module

• Image fusion for Micro-CT / Micro-PET

• Image fusion for Micro-CT / Micro-SPECT

• Image fusion for Micro-CT / 2D Optical

• Image fusion for Micro-CT / 3D Optical


Different Parts of the SANIVIS System

Load Images

In this subsector the specimen file is established (or completed) by inputting information such as image series (regardless of the number). This subsector is the first software user would automatically enter after login to the main program.

Data checking

This subsector is the first section that must be performed after loading the image. This is used for anatomical direction correction and defining of the Volume of Interest (VOI).


Different 3D anatomical region is segmented by various segmentation techniques, mainly by two categories: Direct transfer function (TF) in 3D volume images and seed region growing.

Image Fusion

This subsector automatically computes the transformation matrix between different modalities using mutual information technique. In addition two manual tuning methods are available.

3D composite

This subsector is wildly used when different modalities of subject are available. An image with different objects from different modalities makes a comprehensive and illustrative scan for the scientist.