Price: Free
The remaining capacity: 1
Time: Wednesday (16th of December) 21-22:30
Place: Virtual

TIS School Topics:

First Session 1399/08/21: Introduction of radiopharmacy، SPECT Imaging: Cellular level، Introduction of SPECT Imaging, Scintillation Crystal

Second Session 1399/08/28: Fundamentals of Kit formulations، SPECT Imaging: Protein level، Photodetector, Collimator

Third Session 1399/09/05: Diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals، SPECT Imaging: Molecular level، Shielding, Readout Electronics

Fourth Session 1399/09/12: Common diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals، SPECT Imaging: Applications for cardiovascular sciences، Positioning Methods 1, Positioning Methods 2

Fifth Session 1399/09/19: Common therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals، SPECT Imaging: Applications for cancer، Calibration Algorithms, Acquisition Process

Sixth Session1399/09/26: Pitfalls of radiopharmaceuticals' administration، SPECT Imaging: Criterias for designing a study، Reconstruction Algorithms 1, Reconstruction Algorithms 2