To register a project at the TPCF, the following steps are necessary:

1.Registration Request

Initial registration for project is possible online. Online registration is possible by accessing the TPCF site, creating an account, filling out a project registration form, and submitting the application.


2.Validation & Verification

Upon receiving a project request, the registration team will review and contact the requester within few working days. Then, the researcher will be contacted by the TPCF scientific officers.


3.Project Description

If the project is approved, a project description form must be filled out and handed in-person. Then, the registry administrator will inform the researcher about the project cost and an invoice would be issued.


4.Project Order & Execution

After the invoice has been paid, the researcher can schedule an appointment for the experiments. After filling out a project order form in-person, the project shall be started.


5.Data Delivery

To deliver the data, a separate data delivery request form must be filled out and outstanding debt for the cost of all provided services must be fully paid.

The Registry Administrator is available to assist the requester throughout the registration process.


After completing the project registration form and saving it with your first and last name, please send the relevant file to and enter the title of the email, 'project registration'.


 project admission information form download