Comprehensive pre-clinical laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences with the presence of Dr. Sorna Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, Dr. Kamal Kharrazi, secretary of the department for the development of cognitive science and technology and Dr. Ali Jafarian, Head of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, On Sunday, July 9, 1396, it was opened and launched. The Latin lab is equipped with high tech equipment that all of which are designed and built by knowledge-based companies. The significance of this lab is that the field of institutionalization of pre-clinical experiments and the culture of basic research-based imaging physics is provided, while the laboratory's services are at the service of respected researchers at the lowest cost. The kit is connected to the whole country's laboratory network so researchers can use the lab's services at the lowest cost .

The equipment and facilities needed for this collection were built by the knowledge-based companies of universities and supported by the Vice President of Technology of the President. The lab was launched at a cost of about 3.5 billion tomans, which is about one-third the price that would have to be invested if used from other similar devices .

The pre-clinical laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences has the following sections:


  1.  Micro-PET imaging section
  2. Micro-SPECT imaging section
  3. The optical imaging section includes two FMT and FluoVision devices
  4. Chemistry lab
  5. Radiochemistry lab
  6. Small Animal Surgery Department
  7. Post, storage and processing of pre-clinical images Department
  8. Animal keeping site
  9. The imaging section (Micro-CT)
  10. Micro-Ultrasound imaging section ----- coming Soon


Unique features of preclinical laboratory in comparison with other laboratories

  •        The first and only specialized preclinical imaging laboratory in the Middle Eas
  •     The ninth largest preclinical laboratory in the world which offers a variety of in vivo imaging facilities and related labs
  •       Imaging systems at TPCF are designed and manufactured by knowledge-based TUMS spin-off companies
  •        All services are performed in compliance with ISO9001 standards
  •       Use of radiation licenses issued by Atomic Energy Agency to perform all processes in the imaging sector
  •        The official member of national laboratory network that provides researchers with access to a network of specialized facilities
  •        Providing scientific consultancy in the field of preclinical imaging
  •          Equipped with radioisotope generators for nuclear medicine imaging
  •        Special discounts for university researchers and faculty members