Price: 50,000 Tomans
The remaining capacity: 0
Time: Wednesday - Thursday (17-18 August)
Place: Virtual

TUMS Preclinical Core Facility (TPCF) presents:

5th International TPCF preclinical imaging symposium with the cooperation of several domestic and foreign universities will be held virtually on 17 and 18 August  2022. (TPIS2022)


Symposium topics:

Nano & drug delivery
Preclinical oncology
Cancer treatments
Perfusion & heart
Dental studies & materials
Ethics in preclinical research
Image processing methods & tools and other related areas

Material Sciences




Click to view the Symposium schedule.


Submission Articles Deadline: 21 June 2022

Dear Authors, please write the abstract of your article according to the following guide file and then upload it to the site (profile section, article registration) due to the template of the Word file.

Abstract Submission Format


Accepted papers will have an online oral presentation & will be submitted to FBT Journal ( indexed in Scopus) for considering for publication.

The symposium will be held virtually.