Price: Free
The remaining capacity: 0
Time: 11-12 August 2021
Place: Virtual

Symposium Booklet


Link of Webinar:


TUMS Preclinical Core Facility (TPCF) presents:

 4th International TPCF preclinical imaging symposium with the cooperation of several domestic and foreign universities will be held virtually on 11 and 12 August  2021. (TPIS2021)


Symposium topics:

Nano & drug delivery
Preclinical oncology
Cancer treatments
Perfusion & heart
Dental studies & materials
Ethics in preclinical research
Image processing methods & tools and other related areas

Material Sciences



Click to view the Symposium schedule.

First Day ( 11 th August)

Second Day (12th August)


Click to view the Oral Presentation schedule.

First Day ( 11 th August)

Second Day (12th August)


Accepted papers will have an online oral presentation & will be submitted to FBT Journal ( indexed in Scopus) for considering for publication.

The symposium will be held virtually & free.