TUMS Preclinical Core Facility was launched

The opening ceremony of TUMS Preclinical Core Facility was held with the presence of Dr.Sorena Sattari, the Vice President of Technology of the President, Dr.Ali Jafarian, the head of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences and a group of healthcare elite at the site of the comprehensive laboratory building.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Ay, head of TUMS Preclinical Core Facility, told the Tehran Health News Service of the Tehran news network, announcing the center as the first preclinical laboratory in the country. All medical and therapeutic methods before Testing on humans needs to be done on animal specimens that the laboratory has made and equipped for this purpose.
Explaining the Importance of Launching TUMS Preclinical Core Facility, he explained: Considering the size of the human animal's samples, the equipment and experiments of this center have a very high accuracy than the equipment and tests that are used for humans. And some of the center devices are priced at a higher price.
The head of the National Laboratory for Brain Surveying on the credibility of TUMS Preclinical Core Facility said that the laboratory, in cooperation with the Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the Vice President of Presidential Technology, has been utilized to provide space and space laboratory training by the university and the provision of equipment The credit of 35 billion rials was awarded by the Vice President of Technology of the Republican Republic.
He added that the laboratory is ready to provide space, facilities and equipment to researchers from all over the country, and has provided the conditions that all universities and institutions can use this center to improve and improve the conditions of treatment.
All equipment of the preclinical laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences is built inside the country. The professor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences said: "All equipment of this laboratory is domestic production and if we used the same foreign samples we would have to pay 3 times the current credit for the equipment. And on the other hand, the internalization of the equipment has made it possible for us to declare readiness to provide consulting services and equipment to the centers and institutions of the interior and the foreign.
Dr.Mohammad Reza Ay, at the end of his speech announcing that the laboratory is considered to be Hi-tech, said: "The goal of this laboratory is to encourage researchers to do research work, and the center is dedicated to advanced precision devices such as SPECT, PET, CT, MRI Optical imaging, ultrasound, is designed to create an appropriate research environment for colleagues from across the country.