Price: Free
The remaining capacity: 0
Time: 13 October 2020
Place: Virtual

TUMS Preclinical Core Facility (TPCF) presents:

International Webinar entitled:

The promise of artificial intelligence in clinical and preclinical molecular imaging

Prof. Habib Zaidi

Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics

University of Geneva



Short Biography:

Professor Habib Zaidi is Chief physicist and head of the PET Instrumentation & Neuroimaging Laboratory at Geneva University Hospital and faculty member at the medical school of Geneva University. He is also a Professor of Medical Physics at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), Adjunct Professor of Medical Physics and Molecular Imaging at the University of Southern Denmark, Adjunct Professor of Medical Physics at Shahid Beheshti University and visiting Professor at IAS/University Cergy-Pontoise (France).

Recipient of the 2003 Young Medical Imaging Researcher Award

Recipient of the 2007 Young Scientist Award by IUPAP

Recipient of 2010 Kuwait Prize (known as the Middle Eastern Nobel Prize) in Applied Sciences for "outstanding contributions to Biomedical Technology" awarded by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences

Recipient of 2013 John S. Laughlin Young Scientist Award given by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) to recognize outstanding scientific achievements in medical physics for a young scientist

Recipient of 2013 Vikram Sarabhai Distinguished Oration Award given by the Society of Nuclear Medicine (India)

Recipient of 2015 Sir Godfrey Hounsfield Award given by the British Institute of Radiology

Recipient of 2017 IBA-Europhysics Prize given by the European Physical Society (EPS)

Recipient of 2019 Khwarizmi International Award (KIA) given by the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST)