Price: Free
The remaining capacity: 2
Time: Tuesday (2 February) 19:30-20:30 (Tehran Time)
Place: Virtual

TUMS Preclinical Core Facility (TPCF) presents:

International Webinar entitled:


The Centre for Preclinical Imaging (CPI) at the University of Liverpool; Facilities & Case Studies


Dr Jack Sharkey

Technical manager & the radiation protection supervisor for the Centre for Preclinical Imaging (CPI).
Cellular & Molecular Physiology/ University of Liverpool/England


Research interest

He has a background in Pharmacology & Toxicology with recent research focussed on the safety and efficacy of regenerative medicine therapies. He has used luminescent, ultrasound, & optoacoustic imaging to assess organ function and track biodistribution of potential regenerative medicine therapies. Jack has expertise in multispectral optoacoustic tomography, luminescent imaging & ultrasound imaging with a burgeoning interest in PET, SPECT & CT.



*Attention: in order to have complete registration, you should register to the site firstly, then after signing into the site you can register to this webinar in this page.



The link of webinar:

: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 2291 0345
Passcode: webinar

If you have any problem, please send a message via WhatsApp with the following number.
