Price: Free
The remaining capacity: 0
Time: Tuesday (8 December) 19-20 (Tehran Time)-15:30-16:30(GMT)
Place: Virtual

TUMS Preclinical Core Facility (TPCF) presents:

International Webinar entitled:

Probing tumor microstructure using diffusion MRI



Prof. S. Gene Kim

Professor of Biomedical Engineering in Radiology , Weill Cornell Medical College, NYU, United States.


Research interest

His research is focused on three major areas: (1) development of dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI methods for assessment of tumor treatment response, focusing particularly on the intercompartmental water exchange and cell membrane permeability; (2) extracellular space mapping using diffusion time dependency of MRI experiments in cancer and normal tissues including the brain, muscle, and breast; and (3) role of saturated fat in breast cancer development and progression using MR spectroscopic imaging methods.  


*Attention: in order to have complete registration, you should register to the site firstly, then after signing into the site you can register to this webinar in this page.