01 March 2019 | 1222 Views
27 February 2019 | 1223 Views
25 February 2019 | 651 Views
03 September 2017 | 2854 Views

Visit of Dr Sharifzadeh, Head of Pharmacy Department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and a group of pharmacologists from TPCF

Dr. Sharifzadeh, MD, Ph.D., Head of Pharmacy Department at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, visited TPCF along with a group of pharmacologists. In this visit, Dr. Sharif of the Immunology Department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and a member of the Laboratory's Board presented explanations about the collection of chemistry and imaging laboratories and talked about the importance of preclinical experiments.
02 August 2017 | 1407 Views

Visit of the Minister of Health and Medical Education from TUMS Preclinical Core Facility

Dr. Seyyed Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Minister of Health and Medical Education and Dr. Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology of the Presidency and the delegation visited the different sections of TUMS Preclinical Core Facility on 2August, 2017.
09 July 2017 | 2122 Views

TUMS Preclinical Core Facility was launched

TUMS Preclinical Core Facility with the presence of Dr. Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, Dr. Kamal Kharazi, head of the department for the development of science and technology and Dr. Ali Jafarian, head of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences.